About Dandelion :
“Dandelion” is based on anti-bullying. In this story a dandelion
takes on human characteristics and wonders why many degrade and devalue her. She
realizes her own worth and proclaims it, telling all children to become aware of
their own beauty and potential! Its message is one of empowering yourself.
Children learn to look for inner beauty in themselves and others. Children also
discover that “outside” beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Appreciating
other people’s differences is awesome! These are objectives in the Ontario
Curriculum Document, The Kindergarten Program 2016, 2.1, “Supporting children’s
sense of belonging and contributing through collaboration, empathy and
inclusiveness”. -“ understand that all people share similar needs, feelings, and
aspirations” -“ develop the self confidence to stand up for themselves and
others when they encounter biased ideas and discrimination” -“ increase their
awareness of others and foster respect for individual difference” -“ develop an
appreciation of diversity and an understanding of the concept of equity,
equality, fairness, tolerance, respect, and justice” Teachers can lead the
children to discover how we and our environment are interdependent.
Dandelions provide valuable food for bees and other
pollinators. Pollinators are a necessary part of our food production. Are
pesticides destroying our environment and if so how? Refer to the Ontario
curriculum document 2.1, “Laying The foundations for citizenship and
environmental stewardship” and 3.1 “Environmental education”.